These were taken from the exact same spot today, 6 hours apart. In the one, you see a beach net stretched out on the beach, high and dry. The next one, at high tide, shows the boys picking fish out of that net from the boat. The low tide this morning was 1.1, which means it was 1.1 feet above the median tide level. The high tide today is 13.5 feet, so what you are seeing is only about 12 feet of water difference. Now figure that the inlet is 30+ miles wide, over a hundred miles long, and you are talking about a lot of water moving! Our highs and lows get extreme this week, with the lowest being minus (-) 5.4 and a high of plus (+) 21.7, for a difference of 27.1 feet of water on Thursday -- double what you are seeing here!
Went to Kenai today with Rich and Tina Caffroy, our neighbors from our cabin in 1978. We've both raised families in the interim, lots of water under the bridge, but great to be with them. Talked to the famous fisherman from Sitka, Keith Billi, today -- he's down slaying Coho(silvers) using a hand trawler, where the fish pay for the priviledge of jumping out of the water and biting the hooks he drags around. Sounds nice -- low tides, lots of fish, no net hauling -- Good Fishing, buddy! Ski with you this winter in Kalispell!
We sat today's emergency opener out, as Kevin had lots to get done, and we didn't mind the break too much! Back at it again tomorrow morning!
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