My dear Aunt Katy pointed out in an email today that I have a cousin visiting a "posh" resort in St. Augustine, Florida this weekend, and mentioned some of the nice things that they would be involved in. Opposite ends of the country, and more or less opposite ends of the accommodations spectrum, but both of us are probably happy with the way things are!
I haven't said a whole lot about the actual living situation here, as the fishing operation takes precedence, but this little section might give you an idea of what it's like here.
There are several structures on the site, along with several trailers and other sleeping places. Typical of Alaskan working ventures, utility has been the driving force for construction -- not aesthetics or what the latest home show had to offer! The rustic little plywood sauna felt awesome when we fired it up last night! The larger of the two buildings shown above is the nerve center of the camp. It's the kitchen, dining, office, living room, and observation post. About 12 x 14 feet, it does it all, in style! There's electricity, telephone, and running water -- (if you run out of water in your jugs, you run out, flip a switch, and fill the jugs from the running water in the hose, flip the pump off, and run back in!) Can't beat that! The oceanside wall has a 4 x 8 window, so there is a magnificent view of the ocean. This is situated about 10 feet from an 80 foot bluff that drops down to the beach -- some of the pictures of beach nets in earlier posts were taken from this location.
We sleep in the master suite with Les's permission and absence ... it's a nice 5th wheel trailer with a wonderful bunk and the best amenity of all -- a hot water shower! Lovely after a cold, fish-slimed day at the beach!
There are a couple of other wooden bunkhouses for use when all hands are around; Emery and Todd are going to bunk in the "motorhome" wing of the estate.
In the center of it all is the cutest little cottage that is under construction -- wonderful wall of windows facing Redoubt, with a basement, loft, and all. Should be nice when completed -- I see a foundation extension from the house, but I am not sure what the plans are for there.
The second photo is for those less privileged to envy -- the Facilities. At the north end of the property is a path out into the woods -- you can't see over the fireweed and other vegetation -- and at the end of the path, the Moon and Star room. Nothing beats the daily trip down the path, with the door open to the sea and the sound of the surf. I definitely would remodel and add the Jumbo seat, however -- my only complaint is the mini-seat, and I DO find the duct tape holding it together a bit irritating! No flushing, just drop in a cup full of powdered lime... flush potties are overrated in our society.
We use an old F250 Ford with big whoopie tires for the sand for our beach truck. There is also a nice Yamaha 4-wheeler that serves as utility runabout -- I see by the look in Lovie's eye that she probably needs one of these at home! She uses it to go most everywhere, since she popped her knee out real bad and can hardly walk around. Same knee she had operated on last year, so I think we'll see about a refund from the doc. Health care reform needed here...
Well, the high tides are on their way down now, and it will be back to fishing. Kevin's back needed a couple of days recuperation, and the piles of logs and debris picked up off the beach and deposited in our nets by the high tides made fishing go on hold for a few days. We've been mending nets, fixing vehicles, doing laundry, running the smokehouse (smoked about 10 nice salmon with alder! Yum.) and other menial duties for long enough. Em and Todd get in around midnight, and more than likely we'll fish tomorrow! Better go.
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